/ Experts
Yes to “Russia 2045”!
I hereby join and declare myself an active participant in this project. Moreover, I see in it a continuation of the ideas that I promoted together with Rodin Rusovy in the book “Superman Speaks Russian”, in “The Third Project” and in “Humanity of the Future” together with Igor Boshchenko.
I’ve always said and I say now: The white (Western and Russian) part of humanity is in crisis. A low birth rate together with the inevitable aging of the population (with an equivalent loss of passion and creative potential), dysgenics, deindustrialization, descientization, and the development of new (postindustrial, postmodern) savagery are signs of degradation. The dead end of liberal monetary capitalism is clearly evident, what’s more on a global level. Even such a staunch liberal economist as the head of the Russian Academy of National Economy, Vladimir Mau, admits that there is no new model of development.
In the Russian world (the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Belorussia), the crisis of man is reflected in its most disgusting and protuberant form. We are dying out: By 2020, there will be twice as many graves as cradles in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belorussia. After that will come only degeneration, physical degradation. What has been done with the high-tech industry, with science and education, over the last 20 years does not need to be discussed. We are rapidly turning into a land of mentally ill, physically weak, uneducated, unqualified idiots. We are becoming “excess biomass”, what’s more aging biomass. The infamous “5 Priorities” proffered by the government are not pulling us up out of this abyss. They are not providing us a breakthrough into the future; not making a reality the fashionable saying about having to do something that no one in the world has ever done.
As I have said before and as I say now, the only way to save Russians from death is a breakthrough into “science fiction”, into the creation of a completely new world. “Russia 2045” is a project precisely in that vein. It’s what no one in the world has yet resolved to do. The creation of super- and post people I believe will save us from degradation and extinction and will provide us with new strength. This can make Russia a world leader.
Yes, there will be many problems. Yes, super- and post people will demand the creation of completely new societal relations. The coexistence of normal people—short-lived (one-life) sapiens—and new forms of humans will engender many problems and conflicts. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! You have to move forward, just as those who conquered fire once moved, and just as did those who domesticated the first animals and invented the wheel, mastered metallurgy and built the first cities in the history of mankind.
KalashnikovRussian futurologist writer, journalist
"This is something that nobody in the world could pass up. Creation of super- and posthuman, I believe, is a gaining of new strength while saving from degeneration and extinction, . This could potentially make Russia the world leader…’
/ experts
- Sergei V.Doctor of philosophy, professor
KrichevskiyOne temporary solution, in my opinion, is to create a “cosmic person”, and start doing so on Earth, within the “future person” project, as part of the “Russia 2045” Initiative.
- Elena V.Ph.D. in Biology, Head of the Lipid Metabolism Laboratory at the Russian Institute of Gerontological Research and Development
TERIOSHINA‘There is nothing to be afraid of. The project of creating a carrier of an immortal brain is of extreme importance. Nature definitely creates talented, brilliant, genius people – but they are mortal. Mankind creates books and imparts knowledge to descendants. But imagine a genius working eternally!’
- Vladimir A.President of Neyrobotiks
KONYSHEV‘The transfer of the brain into an artificial body, more enduring, more perfect, is the only way the human race to stay on Earth...’
- BarryProfessor at the University of Southern Maine, co-chairman of GF2045
Rodrigue"While innovation is often presented as a technological process, it also needs to be applied everywhere and to everything. We need innovation in human affairs, from family relations to business affairs. Innovation has to address both ecological balance of species and destruction of inorganic habitats. Alternatives must be found for warfare and the arms industry. In short, innovation is a process that applies to all existence..."
- Professor Aleksandr A.Ph.D. in Technical Sciences
BOLONKIN‘An artificial mechanical body will have great power and withstand extreme environmental conditions: high temperature, pressure, radiation, space...’
- Professor Boris K.Ph.D. in Medicine, Head of the Cells and Tissues Growth Laboratory of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics (Russian Academy of Sciences)
GAVRILYUK“For skin on a cyborg, you simply need to create a nutrition system. And basically . . . we are not really complex in design! There are only a few systems: the circulatory system carries oxygen and nutrients; the excretory system extirpates the waste. The rest is end-effectors. To begin we can create a very simple living organism—then, later, more complex systems. . . .”
- Viktor F.Correspondent member of RAS, professor of the Moscow State University, head of the laboratory “Psychology of communications and psychosemantics” (MSU)
Petrenko"I think that as a working hypothesis, it is possible that forms of contacts with highly advanced civilizations are possible as a result of this profound meditation..."
- Dmitry H.Artist, art theorist, Curator of the National Center of Contemporary Arts (Kaliningrad branch)
BULATOV‘In the near future, hybrid combinations of living and nonliving elements will help to recover lost or missing original features. And of course, greatly enhance them in comparison to the usual ones...’
- Dmitry A.President of the Center for Cellular and Biomedical Technologies, First Moscow Medical University and expert on the conscious management of health, biotherapy and the prevention of aging
SHAMENKOV‘The body gradually becomes artificial; new tissues replace existing ones, and new media, somehow extending the limits of our body, are being invented. Of course, man and technology are being knitted together. Step by step, we are moving towards the formation of a cybernetic organism...’
- Mikhail Y.Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Heat-Resistant Thermoplastics Laboratory at ISPM (Russian Academy of Sciences), creator of nanosensor neurologic ‘Electronic nose’ system
YABLOKOV‘When creating an artificial human, we need to add an emotional trend to the predominant robotics one. It’s an all-inclusive idea, and it’s in the air...’
- SergeyHead of the Space Technology and Telecommunications Cluster at the Skolkovo
Jukov"I am absolutely convinced that the movement “2045’ happened exactly at the right time and the right place as I believe in the great future for Russia, in her success after temporary difficulties".
- Alexander A.Professor, head of the laboratory in the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology RAS
Frolov‘The problem of creating artificial memory devices capable of storing the natural memory of a given individual is, understandably, complex but by no means unsolvable...’
- AndersResearcher, science debater, futurist, transhumanist, and author
Sandberg"... I certainly think that practical benefits of being able to live for ever, if I transmit myself digitally, I will be able to run on bodies which are not biological or enhanced biological and be able to backup copies in case, if something goes wrong, would be enormous. So, I think, that in the future I am hoping to be software..."
- DmitryChairman of the organizing committee of the political party “Evolution 2045”, founder of the movement “Russia 2045”, president of the congress GF2045
ItskovDo you remember The Surrogates movie? It perfectly demonstrates the abilities of a mind-controlled artificial human body, or an avatar. It is what our project is all about. The Surrogates’ screenwriters were not consistent enough (probably due to the lack of imagination) in the evolution of their ideas. There is no doubt that the mankind needs an avatar.