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Yes to “Russia 2045”!


I hereby join and declare myself an active participant in this project. Moreover, I see in it a continuation of the ideas that I promoted together with Rodin Rusovy in the book “Superman Speaks Russian”, in “The Third Project” and in “Humanity of the Future” together with Igor Boshchenko.

I’ve always said and I say now: The white (Western and Russian) part of humanity is in crisis. A low birth rate together with the inevitable aging of the population (with an equivalent loss of passion and creative potential), dysgenics, deindustrialization, descientization, and the development of new (postindustrial, postmodern) savagery are signs of degradation. The dead end of liberal monetary capitalism is clearly evident, what’s more on a global level. Even such a staunch liberal economist as the head of the Russian Academy of National Economy, Vladimir Mau, admits that there is no new model of development.

In the Russian world (the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Belorussia), the crisis of man is reflected in its most disgusting and protuberant form. We are dying out: By 2020, there will be twice as many graves as cradles in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belorussia. After that will come only degeneration, physical degradation. What has been done with the high-tech industry, with science and education, over the last 20 years does not need to be discussed. We are rapidly turning into a land of mentally ill, physically weak, uneducated, unqualified idiots. We are becoming “excess biomass”, what’s more aging biomass. The infamous “5 Priorities” proffered by the government are not pulling us up out of this abyss. They are not providing us a breakthrough into the future; not making a reality the fashionable saying about having to do something that no one in the world has ever done.

As I have said before and as I say now, the only way to save Russians from death is a breakthrough into “science fiction”, into the creation of a completely new world. “Russia 2045” is a project precisely in that vein. It’s what no one in the world has yet resolved to do. The creation of super- and post people I believe will save us from degradation and extinction and will provide us with new strength. This can make Russia a world leader.

Yes, there will be many problems. Yes, super- and post people will demand the creation of completely new societal relations. The coexistence of normal people—short-lived (one-life) sapiens—and new forms of humans will engender many problems and conflicts. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! You have to move forward, just as those who conquered fire once moved, and just as did those who domesticated the first animals and invented the wheel, mastered metallurgy and built the first cities in the history of mankind.

Russian futurologist writer, journalist

"This is something that nobody in the world could pass up. Creation of super- and posthuman, I believe, is a gaining of new strength while saving from degeneration and extinction, . This could potentially make Russia the world leader…’

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