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These Robots Will Teach Kids Programming Skills

These colorful robots are not only fun to play with—they can teach kids computer programming skills. That’s what Play-i, a Silicon Valley startup founded by engineers from Google, Apple, and Symantec, says about its robots, unveiled this week as part of a crowdsourcing campaign.

The idea of using robots to teach kids programming, math concepts, and problem solving is not new. In fact, it’s been more than 40 years since MIT educator Seymour Papert demonstrated the possibilities of hands-on learning with his Logo programming language and mobile machines known as “turtle robots.”

Over the years, numerous robotic toys and kits designed for kids came to market—most famously the LEGO Mindstorms set (trivia: it was named after Papert’s influential book “Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas”). But most of these products present a steep learning curve for kids (and parents!), and few are adequate for very young children.

Play-i, based in Mountain View, Calif., wants to see that change. It says its robots, Bo and Yana, can make programming fun and accessible for kids as young as 5 years old. The robots talk via Bluetooth LE with an iPad or other tablets, which Play-i says are the perfect interface for children to learn programming concepts in an engaging, intuitive way.

“We wanted to create robots so easy to use that kids could take them out of the box and start doing things with them,” cofounder and CEO Vikas Gupta told me when he stopped by IEEE Spectrum a few weeks ago. He said that after a year building prototypes and gathering feedback from kids, teachers, and advisers, they’re ready to get the robots in the hands of lots of people.

Their plan is raising money to produce the robots in volume through a crowdfunding campaign that they launched on Monday. A contribution of US $149 will get you a Bo; $49 will get you a Yana. Or for $189 you can get both. The robots are expected to ship in June. (A reminder: any crowdfunding project has risks.)

The robots Gupta showed me were prototypes, and as such they were still buggy, their movements jerky and their behavior a bit erratic. But I could see the potential. The larger one, Bo, has wheels and can drive around. It's equipped with distance sensors, accelerometer, and gyro. It has attachments on its head and body where you can connect arms or other accessories. This allows the robot do things like playing a xylophone or pushing blocks. The smaller robot, Yana, doesn’t move on its own, using lights and sound for interaction. (Gupta says kids will like it because they can use their imagination and pretend it’s an airplane or animal).

I was surprised that the robots don’t have Wi-Fi capability, and even more surprised that they don’t have cameras. Gupta explained that he didn’t think those things added much to the experience at this point (while adding to cost), though he didn’t exclude the possibility of including them in the future. But my biggest concern is that some Bo models will ship with no arms, which to me reduces its appeal. Gupta disagrees, saying that Bo can still do plenty of things to keep kids interested, and that even without arms, the robot can still push things around with its body.

Gupta said he and his cofounders—all have kids—saw first-hand how children could master an iPad in no time. But at the same time they wanted to let kids use the tablets not only to consume technology but also to create technology. In particular, they wanted them to learn a skill that is becoming more and more valuable: coding.

Play-i is creating a tablet-based visual programming interface that let kids build sequences of actions and learn through play and exploration. The sequences can start simple and get more complex as kids become more familiar with the robot and interface. “You can start with the robot playing music, and then add more actions, like blinking the eyes,” Gupta said. More advanced users will be able to program the robots with languages like Scratchand Blockly.

I asked Gupta why a crowdsourcing project. The founders have an impressive background—Gupta held senior positions at Amazon and Google; Saurabh Gupta ran Apple's iPod software team for six years; Mikal Greaves led the engineering team at industrial design firm Frog Design; and Imran Khan was a senior executive at Symantec—so why not raise capital and create a full-fledged product (as San Francisco startup Anki did with its robotic racing game Anki Drive)?

Gupta says they want to “validate the demand.” Once they can verify that many people are interested in this kind of robot, they can plan their future steps, further refining the product and scaling up manufacturing and distribution. Their crowdsourcing campaign has done extremely well in its first two days and they should reach their target soon, so I’m guessing that demand has been "validated." Now we'll wait and see if Bo and Yana will make kids happy—and smarter.

What do you think? Check out more photos and screenshots of the programming interface below, along with the full technical specs as provided by Play-i. And if you're interested, you can go to the company's website to support the project


- Wireless (Bluetooth 4.0) for easy connection to touch devices for programming
- Two motors for driving that provide differential steering for body motion
- Two motors for head pan and tilt
- One programmable eye light-ring to add emotions
- Two programmable full-color ear lights
- One programmable full-color headlight
- One speaker with customizable sounds
- Four programmable buttons
- Four Infrared beacons to advertise location to other robots
- Twelve different sensors to interact with surroundings and other robots
- Three distance sensors to detect obstacles and objects in front and back
- Sound sensor to detect sound gestures like a clap
- Two wheel encoders enable precise body motion control
- Two head encoders enable precise head positioning
- Accelerometer for gesture control and positioning
- Gyroscope to track orientation
- Two Infrared detectors to detect other robots
- Six multi-function attachment points to add accessories
- Rechargeable battery and Micro-B USB connector for charging

- Wireless (Bluetooth 4.0) for easy connection to touch devices for programming
- One programmable eye light-ring with full-color overlay to add emotions
- Two programmable full-color ear lights
- One programmable button
- One speaker with customizable sounds
- Four Infrared beacons to advertise location to other robots
- Accelerometer for gesture detection
- Three multi-function attachment points to add accessories and bases
- Rechargeable battery and Micro-B USB connector for charging

Source: http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/home-robots/play-i-bo-yana-robots

/ About us

Founded by Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov in February 2011 with the participation of leading Russian specialists in the field of neural interfaces, robotics, artificial organs and systems.

The main goals of the 2045 Initiative: the creation and realization of a new strategy for the development of humanity which meets global civilization challenges; the creation of optimale conditions promoting the spiritual enlightenment of humanity; and the realization of a new futuristic reality based on 5 principles: high spirituality, high culture, high ethics, high science and high technologies. 

The main science mega-project of the 2045 Initiative aims to create technologies enabling the transfer of a individual’s personality to a more advanced non-biological carrier, and extending life, including to the point of immortality. We devote particular attention to enabling the fullest possible dialogue between the world’s major spiritual traditions, science and society.

A large-scale transformation of humanity, comparable to some of the major spiritual and sci-tech revolutions in history, will require a new strategy. We believe this to be necessary to overcome existing crises, which threaten our planetary habitat and the continued existence of humanity as a species. With the 2045 Initiative, we hope to realize a new strategy for humanity's development, and in so doing, create a more productive, fulfilling, and satisfying future.

The "2045" team is working towards creating an international research center where leading scientists will be engaged in research and development in the fields of anthropomorphic robotics, living systems modeling and brain and consciousness modeling with the goal of transferring one’s individual consciousness to an artificial carrier and achieving cybernetic immortality.

An annual congress "The Global Future 2045" is organized by the Initiative to give platform for discussing mankind's evolutionary strategy based on technologies of cybernetic immortality as well as the possible impact of such technologies on global society, politics and economies of the future.


Future prospects of "2045" Initiative for society


The emergence and widespread use of affordable android "avatars" controlled by a "brain-computer" interface. Coupled with related technologies “avatars’ will give people a number of new features: ability to work in dangerous environments, perform rescue operations, travel in extreme situations etc.
Avatar components will be used in medicine for the rehabilitation of fully or partially disabled patients giving them prosthetic limbs or recover lost senses.


Creation of an autonomous life-support system for the human brain linked to a robot, ‘avatar’, will save people whose body is completely worn out or irreversibly damaged. Any patient with an intact brain will be able to return to a fully functioning  bodily life. Such technologies will  greatly enlarge  the possibility of hybrid bio-electronic devices, thus creating a new IT revolution and will make  all  kinds of superimpositions of electronic and biological systems possible.


Creation of a computer model of the brain and human consciousness  with the subsequent development of means to transfer individual consciousness  onto an artificial carrier. This development will profoundly change the world, it will not only give everyone the possibility of  cybernetic immortality but will also create a friendly artificial intelligence,  expand human capabilities  and provide opportunities for ordinary people to restore or modify their own brain multiple times.  The final result  at this stage can be a real revolution in the understanding of human nature that will completely change the human and technical prospects for humanity.


This is the time when substance-independent minds will receive new bodies with capacities far exceeding those of ordinary humans. A new era for humanity will arrive!  Changes will occur in all spheres of human activity – energy generation, transportation, politics, medicine, psychology, sciences, and so on.

Today it is hard to imagine a future when bodies consisting of nanorobots  will become affordable  and capable of taking any form. It is also hard to imagine body holograms featuring controlled matter. One thing is clear however:  humanity, for the first time in its history, will make a fully managed evolutionary transition and eventually become a new species. Moreover,  prerequisites for a large-scale  expansion into outer space will be created as well.


Key elements of the project in the future

• International social movement
• social network immortal.me
• charitable foundation "Global Future 2045" (Foundation 2045)
• scientific research centre "Immortality"
• business incubator
• University of "Immortality"
• annual award for contribution to the realization of  the project of "Immortality”.

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