/ Nomination №2. Motivator illustrations


The "Neo-humanity" illustration competition. 

Cast your vote!

Nomination #2. Motivator illustrations - Microsoft Xbox 360 250Gb + Kinect.

Voting conditions:

1. The online voting will last for two weeks.  The winners from each categpru will be announced on Tuesday, 23 October.

2. You may only vote once in each category and for only one illustration.

3. Only members of the “2045” Initiative may vote.

We wish all of the nominees good luck!

Let’s go!


1. Ivan Kolchanov. Compromise

Electronic brains? Better than no brains at all.


2. Ivan Kolchanov. Avatar for a cat

“When are they going to solve the problem of avatars for cats?!!!” The future will confront us with different challenges. ))))


3. Anna Zavrazina. Eternal love

Don’t part with your love ones. Resurrect your love ones. Avatar


4. Doctor Manhattan. Neosapiens take care


5. Doctor Manhattan. Children of the future

We are the children of the future


6. Doctor Manhattan. Immortality? Give me two!


7. Slonchak. Are you ready for the future?

Immortal, Eternal, Unlimited , New powers and Capabilities, Youth, Excellent, Vision, Touch, Taste, Tactile, Feelings, A new look at the world And yourself in it, Revealing New Limits to Yourself, Conquering time and space, The New Human, New Society, No Wars No Hunger No Death, An Ideal World Of Perfect People, Who Do Not Know Pain and Fear, Rage and Anger, The Era of the Human, Of Reason, All Culture, All History, All Art, Music, Literature, Painting, Inside Human Beings Themselves, Unlimited Access to the Works and Knowledge of Humanity, Life and Prosperity of the Human Being, The Main Value of the New Civilization, The Foundation, Perfection of the World and Yourself Of Order Moving Beyond the Limits, Of the Possible


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